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Showing only entries with tags: Protein interactions
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Name Title Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode $n$ Tags
celegans_interactomes C. elegans interactomes (2009) 6,176 178,151 57.69 123.63 361.03 114.24 0.16 0.47 12 0.97 Undirected Unipartite 10 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
collins_yeast Collins yeast interactome (2007) 1,622 9,070 11.18 16.23 58.74 630.48 0.61 0.62 15 0.62 Undirected Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
drosophila_flybi Fruit fly protein interactions (Drosophila melanogaster) 2,939 8,723 5.94 10.72 25.26 52.25 -0.12 0.04 10 0.92 Undirected Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
genetic_multiplex Multiplex genetic interactions (2014) 18,222 170,899 9.38 100.44 122.68 14.20 -0.06 0.03 9 1.00 Directed Unipartite 19 Biological Gene regulation Protein interactions Unweighted Multilayer
interactome_figeys Figeys human interactome (2007) 2,239 6,452 2.88 17.01 27.83 16.04 -0.33 0.01 10 0.99 Directed Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
interactome_pdz PDZ-domain interactome (2005) 212 244 2.30 2.64 4.03 50.97 -0.36 0.00 10 0.76 Undirected Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
interactome_stelzl Stelzl human interactome (2005) 1,706 6,207 3.64 13.79 15.47 77.05 -0.18 0.01 13 0.95 Directed Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
interactome_vidal Vidal human interactome (2005) 3,133 6,726 4.29 6.88 13.91 39.11 -0.10 0.04 13 0.89 Undirected Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
interactome_yeast Coulomb yeast interactome (2005) 1,870 2,277 2.44 3.16 5.84 133.86 -0.15 0.06 19 0.78 Undirected Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
mist MIST protein interaction database (2020) 109,706 2,864,523 52.22 102.93 252.64 5.34 -0.10 0.07 7 0.15 Undirected Unipartite 34 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
reactome Joshi-Tope human protein interactome (2005) 6,327 147,547 46.64 66.81 207.04 170.67 0.25 0.61 24 0.94 Undirected Unipartite 1 Biological Protein interactions Unweighted
tree-of-life Protein interactomes across the tree of life (2019) 16,439 440,135 53.55 86.94 258.15 40.94 0.06 0.36 9 1.00 Undirected Unipartite 1840 Biological Protein interactions